Welcome to the Spring-Summer 2018 issue of the Saber and Scroll Journal. With this issue, the journal has entered a new phase in its publication...
Welcome Letters %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
Articles %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
This article focuses on the historical vicissitudes of the talking drum and town criers as forms of communication in the pre-colonial and early colonial Bamenda...
- ArticlesWith the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861 came the immediate need for large numbers of men to join the Union ranks and...
- ArticlesEvery civilization has its own mythology. The Greeks had their Olympians. The Vikings had their Asgardians. Early settlers in the United States had folklore characters...
- ArticlesPrivate Charles Neal, formerly a milkman, served in the British army during the Great War. Months of exposure in the trenches caused him to develop...
- Book ReviewsEveryone knows about the Strategic Air Campaign but seemingly, the Big Week has escaped public consciousness. Kenney’s Pointblank Directive was among a handful of modern...
In the early part of the air campaign against Germany, 1942, the 91st Bomb Group, part of the 324th Bomb Squadron and Eighth Air Force...
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In Charles Hulett, Continental Army Drummer: A Revolutionary Life Reexamined, author Anne Midgley explores the life of an eighteenth century American from the colony of...
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When confronting evil in the world, it is important to look at it with an unblinking eye and to bear witness of what has happened....
- Book ReviewsA Higher Call is a story about German fighter ace Franz Stigler and the pilot of the B-17 Ye Old Pub, Charlie Brown. When Stigler...
- Book ReviewsCaptain Norman Jack “Dusty” Kleiss of the United States Navy piloted an SBD Dauntless dive-bomber at the Battle of Midway, June 4, 1942. He was...
- Book ReviewsStates do not make foreign policy; people do. The elected and non-elected officials of the bureaucracy make the decisions that determine American foreign policy. In...